Leki Carry Bag for Trekking Poles | Up To 90 cm & Can hold 2 Poles
- Can hold 1 or 2 Trekking Poles
- Includes Carry Strap
- Suitabile for all Walking Poles upto 90cm (when collapsed)
- Helps keep your staorage area clean after using your Walking Poles.
It has been said that walking poles can take up to 40% off the strain of walking over difficult terrain, so are really useful for knees, hips and backs. Trekking poles extend to the perfect height required and have rubber stoppers on the bottom which stops them sinking into soft ground and can be easily carried using the wrist straps. Hiking poles can be folded away and carried in rucksacks, or bags, so don't become a nuisance when not in use. The poles are made from lightweight carbon, or aluminium, which is strong, so even long hikes in the hills are not a problem.