This is a call to all you Gemini’s out there; make sure you are around at 2am on the 13th 14th December this year and you will see a fabulous meteor shower eminating from the Gemini constellation. Believe it or not, it is called the Geminids meteor shower and it will be at its absolute best at this time in the morning, as long as the clouds stay away. Not only will the meteors be streaking across the sky, but the planet Jupiter will be easy to spot and the moon will be full. All this put together will make the night sky more spectacular than ususal and will be great for romance. Just call a friend and make a couple of mugs of cocoa and you never know what could happen…………….., just lie back and look skyward and prepare to be amazed. If it happens to be cloudy though, you will have to think of other things to do but remember to wrap up warm, Oh and dont forget the duvet and the telesope!